Monday, October 1, 2012

Kebebe Tshay Celebrates the New Year!

A few weeks ago I sent out a message from Brighton Their World regarding New Year's Day in Ethiopia.  Unlike here in the United States, the Ethiopian calendar is different from ours with their New Years in our September and their Christmas in our January.  As a matter of fact, their year is even different.  I believe it is 2005 in Ethiopia but since I could not even keep up with the time difference, it may be 2006.

So many of you responded that I want to share with you just a bit from that special day.  Over 600 children were fed a feast of a meal including meat for one and all, Muslims and Christians alike.  In this country it is nothing out of the ordinary to be a vegetarian but in the orphanages of Ethiopia, meat is a special treat.  Brighton Their World sent your donations and the donations of many others to Kebebe Tshay Orphanage where the meat was purchased.  It does not get much fresher than this!
Still on the hoof and moving down the road!
Meat in the kitchen caused some smiles that went from ear to ear.  I remember this kitchen and I will not forget their pride in it.  The cooks are so pleased to show their kitchen to visitors and they love having their pictures made.

Hey Martha Stewart - look what we are cooking!
If you are like me, I could not wait to see pictures of all those kids diving into this special meal.  Unfortunately, those pictures cannot be shown.  You see, there are certain rules and regulations about sharing pictures of children who may some day be adopted.  Brighton Their World did receive a few pictures with the children eating, listening to a band of singers and musicians from the orphanage and pictures of some dancing Ethiopian style.  Never wanting to jeopardize an adoption, none of those pictures can be put on a blog or shared among us.  Each and every nation that allows international adoptions has their own set of rules and while we might not understand the rules and while we would really like to see some of the 600 plus happy kids, we do want every child to be eligible for adoption.  So, there are no pictures of happy faces or full tummies.   There is this thank you from them.
May I take this moment to express my personal thanks for each of you who
contributed to this meal.  I understand we will have the opportunity to
provide a Christmas meal and perhaps an Easter meal, too.
Praising the Lord for His family of believers who remember the fatherless.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you all for contributing to this feast! The kids looked happy and FULL! That is what Brighton Their World longs for, FULL tummies and honoring the Lord with each bite.

    God bless you all!

    Let's never forget these little ones.

